Fundraising How to’s: Ten Ways to Say Thank You

Inspired by Thanksgiving, we’ve come up with a list of suggestions for that all-important step of thanking people who contribute to your cause.

  1. A quick handwritten note from you and/or someone else in the organization. 
  2. An accurate, timely receipt. (Yes, that matters!)
  3. Three month follow up, with information about use of the gift. 
  4. Communication from a beneficiary (e.g., thank you letter from scholarship student). 
  5. Acknowledgement of an event in the donor’s personal or business life. 
  6. An output of one of the beneficiaries (graduation picture, a written product, a picture of someone using the well or milking the goat, etc.)
  7. A phone call later, with no ask. 
  8. A thank you for something that the person does other than giving money. (Time and talent are important, too.)
  9. Invitation to an event, free of charge (art exhibit opening, talk by scientist, etc.).
  10. For public acknowledgements, however they want. (Including not at all, if that’s their preference.)
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